What Day is It?
Dr. Brandon Beck
Lay Chaplain, COHI
Monk, The OOOW
Theology Student, Brite Divinity School
“This is the day that the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Every day is important and for the Lord in the Benedictine tradition, and so must it be for those of us who have accepted the call to COHI lay chaplaincy. We are called to be present, holding space for everyone to do their jobs and for God to intercede whenever and wherever God needs; God is at work everywhere all the time.
As I’m writing, the day is Sunday; the date is November 17, 2024. I’m sitting in the family minister’s office at Church of the Reconciliation (CoR) in San Antonio, TX, awaiting breakfast before formation hour and service.
Our reading in RSB is about the proper amount of food, and here at CoR we are sharing a month-long theme studying food insecurity in combination with a campaign of service and generosity to provide food for those in need in our neighborhood. The breakfast we serve on Sundays before formation and service is a hot meal open to all, and unsheltered folx from the community enjoy dining with us. We have a little food pantry attached to our little free library that we are stocking regularly; the pantry guild is a new addition to the teams of service for CoR.
As a COHI lay chaplain, learning about food insecurity and sharing in these meals and campaigns of service and generosity require that I prepare my heart and mind before I enter the workspace and after I leave the workspace. I have my own weaknesses, burdens, and sorrows, and I have to attend to them with God and my spiritual director and therapist, in my heart (cell?) so that I can be fully present to hold space for God to show up.
Chittister tells us that “Benedict of Nursia never takes food away from the community…Everybody needs something in life to make the rest of life doable and uplifting.” (p. 184-185) As we provide for ourselves in our homes (monasteries?), let us also remember to share what we have so that all may rejoice and be glad in it.