““Come into the Community of Hope to celebrate and embrace the eternal gift of resurrection, redemption, renewal, and love. The door is always open, the lights are always on, and there is a place set for each of us a the table of our Lord.””
Start A Center
In COHI’s history, we have seen new centers created in a variety of ways. Often it is an individual church that desires to add COHI to their ministries. In other circumstances “clusters” form, made up of two or more churches that share resources. Other centers have grown out of “Train the Trainer” events – at which potential leaders from several different churches come together to be trained before taking what they have learned back to their own churches.
There is no specific environment or denomination required to become a COHI center. If you are interested in bringing Community of Hope International to your church, retirement community, hospital, etc., then we encourage you to contact our Start Up Coordinator. She will answer any questions you may have and guide you through the process of bringing COHI to your community.