COHI Hospital Visit

Barbara Swesey

I’m sharing a story that has been another step in confirming that God is with me at all times.

I had been speaking with a lady at a company that has done some work for me.  Our conversations had taken place over a period of about 2 months. Early on she mentioned to me that she would be out of the office for a few days. In later conversations, she shared that she would be out to take her husband to his appointments at a local cancer treatment center. I could hear concern in her voice. I just asked if it would be ok if I prayed for her husband. She seemed so thankful for any extra prayers. I had never met this lady or her husband, so my prayers have been for “Joni’s husband.”

A couple of weeks ago, our Community of Hope group was scheduled to make visits at Baptist Hospital. We were led to the 4th floor and instructed how to introduce ourselves and left to walk down the halls and just select a room at random for what I would define as a “cold call.”

I walked down the hall and just chose a door. I was wearing a name tag, I knocked and was invited in with a soft “come in.” My first words were “I’m Barbara Swesey” and before I could explain my role as a lay clergy in training, this lady walked toward me with tears in her eyes, hugged me, and gave me her name … it was Joni.

I walked toward the patient in the bed to introduce myself, and he smiled and said “I know who you are.”

We had a very meaningful visit and I offered a prayer for both the husband and for Joni. We prayed for healing, comfort, and strength.

Call it a coincidence that I would have chosen that door out of all the doors on the 4th floor … but think again. On my way to the hospital that night, I prayed that God would help me with that night. I did not feel qualified to be talking to people I did not know. There is no doubt God answered my prayer. I learned you don’t have to be “qualified” – you just have to be present and care.

I have remained in touch with Joni and her husband through calls, text messages, and cards. I believe our sharing of our faith and friendship will continue. If you ever have doubts about what God is leading you to do … just ask and then listen.  He will send the answer.